Master Cleanse - My 17 Day Experience With the Lemonade Diet By Don W Johnson

There I was, staring at the pale yellow liquid in the half filled mason jar. It was the key to how good I felt at the moment, but I could not bear the thought of drinking another glass. After ten days of squeezing lemons and measuring out doses of organic maple syrup I was asking myself, was it worth it?
I started my Master Cleanse fast with high hopes. I was overweight and stressed out, needing something to jump start my health back in the right direction. I ordered the small yellow book and read it in one sitting, making out my grocery list as I went. I was determined to start the next morning.
Day 1 - I carefully prepared my first batch of the drink. Hint: use a glass container as the citric acid will leech chemicals from any other kind. It sure did look like lemonade, but what would the taste be like? As I took my first drink I thought that it wasn't bad at all. Not exactly lemonade, but not rat poison either. I quickly found out that I needed to make several batches at a time so that I would have enough to last me for a couple of hours. If you only heed one piece of advice that I give you please plan to be near a bathroom within a few minutes of doing the saltwater flush. I started to get hungry around lunch time and this continued throughout the day.
Day 2 - The hunger from yesterday is a little more intense, but still manageable. I now have a headache and I am starting to eliminate toxins more frequently. The drink gives instant relief to the hunger, but it does not last long so keep it close by (as well as a bathroom). I have some doubts at this point.
Day 3 - The headache is constant and more intense today. The book says that this is a natural result of the body stirring up the toxins in order to eliminate them. I really want to eat something at this point. Didn't I read somewhere that if you don't eat for three days that you would die? I am feeling weak and tired except for right after I have had a dose of the drink.
Day 4 - Something really amazing has happened. Both the headache and hunger pangs are gone! I am now starting to believe that I won't die from not eating.
Days 5-10 - I now have a routine of making big batches of the drink in the morning as I am getting extremely tired of squeezing lemons. There is a trade off with the batch size. Smaller batches are fresher, but a lot more work. You will have to decide what fits you best. A manual press would be nice at this point. One thing that jumps out at you is all of the free time that you get back. No more spending several hours per day cooking or eating. Since the weak and tired phase has passed I am extremely productive.
Days 11-17 - I am cruising now! My blood pressure and pulse are solid and steady at all times. I have plenty of energy and feel really clean inside. It is an experience that I have never felt before. At this point I do not want to disrupt this feeling. I am able to wear clothes that I could not fit into before.
Overall assessment - At the time I stopped I felt that I could have gone on indefinitely.
· Lost 31 pounds
· Indescribable good feeling of well-being
· Speed of the results - nothing works faster while at the same time being completely drug free and natural.
· I got to where I could not stand the taste of the drink over time. It got to the point where I had to hold my nose to get it down.
· Yearning to chew something.
I was able to go much further than I had thought possible. I cannot stress enough how good it feels to be clean inside!
The Master Cleanse detox is a powerful tool in your arsenal for optimum health. It is the fastest way to bring about positive changes in your health.

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