Yellow pages are the telephone directory pages that are used to advertise or to list businesses. They are normally categorized according to the service and product. The name came from the way that these information were only printed on yellow pages while the white pages were meant for no-commercial numbers.
The uses of yellow pages come about accidentally when someone who was printing the directory run out of the white papers and used the yellow papers instead. Now its used by all people regardless if they speak English or not. In other countries, it can be just referred to as golden pages.
The yellow pages provide an alphabetical business within the geographical area and they are put under one heading for the same business. Normally these directories where only published by a phone company. However, it has become a business and many independent publishers began to print them.
Business Directory or Yellow Pages are normally published annually and they can be distributed free in some coverage area. Most of listings are done in a small and plain black text. The publishers make money by selling advertising space and listing for every heading. These places can be sold by CMR or direct sale force. The space sold differs according to the publishers and the cost. It can range from just bolding names or to colored twin pages ads.
The price on advertising in yellow pages changes each year regardless the usages fluctuations and distribution. The payment is done once before the printing or can be done monthly after the printing for the year since after the year a new directory is published. Normally there are sales representative who are ready to assist their customers in designing their advertisements and they present the last proof copy for review or approval. Some of the contracts are renewed each year without signing a new contract. The advertisers is the one to stop any future printing of his advertisement when he wants to stop being billed.
However the used of mobile phone and internet has seen to the decrease of using advertisement in yellow papers for both shoppers and advertisers. Now they are turning more on online directories and internet search engines. This is why you will find that there are many versions of Business Directory or Yellow Pages online. These online versions have come to be known as Internal Yellow Pages or IYP. There are independent agencies and consultants who are ready to assist business owners on how to use the opportunities found in IYP. They give them information on possession, preferences, and usages. Before any business puts its advertisement online, he has to prepare the logo that will go together with it.
For more information on or For more information about Yellow Pages Kolkata or Kolkata Business Directory
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