News Industry in Egypt By Tulika Sinha

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Egypt News industry has been growing ever since 2005 when the industry was opened to more private sectors after government reforms. The changes brought about policies that have opened greater entrepreneurship and private media growth. Ever since, media accessibility has by far come a long way when it comes to delivering the news to the Egyptian people whether it will be through printed forms, live broadcasts or through electronic news update.
The Media Public Free Zone delved the country into a better news industry when news delivery came to be available in various forms like the internet. Egypt used to be known as the Arab World's media hub and with these newest developments ever since it was created in 2000, Egypt now ranks the fourth among the different Middle East and Northern Africa countries that have the freedom of speech.
Private broadcasting companies have now been more adamant in reaching the Egyptian people after the government has fully supported their undertaking through tax incentives. Likewise, the government encourages the private sectors to deliver better and reliable news for the country's growth and development. The support made by the government resulted to more than half of Egypt's News industry to be owned by private media companies.
Print news for Egypt has now become more widespread with more than 500 news publications available on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Broadcast news, on the other hand, are more available towards the Egyptian people as compared to other Arab countries with five independent television broadcasters. Meanwhile, news via the internet is readily available through dial-up connection, which is accessible and free for the country's citizens. In addition, the government has continued to work its way up with other foreign sectors in developing better Arab-language content available over the internet.
Egypt News has since come a long way to when it first started. Still, it continues to grow and develop in hoping to be able to deliver more reliable and first hand news. Both the government and the private sectors are continuing to find ways in which they could both improve their programs and implementation for the welfare of the country and its people.
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